University branding

How does Witmeup support Universities to present their institution to new candidates and their parents?

Witmeup is a new way, new tool and new window for Universities to open up to applicants from all around the globe through a first-hand and enthusiastic approach. Rather than just advertise or invest in expensive exhibitions – we provide a different method to recruit the new generation of students.

Dear University Representative

You already have hundreds and thousands of University students who successfully went through the whole application process and have hopefully a passion for their chosen subject and University. You already acknowledged their talent and capabilities when you admitted them.

On Witmeup as a University Mentor, they can share their experiences, thoughts and can help new applicants easily apply to their dream University, that is may yours! Meanwhile, they'll earn money and gain useful experiences. As Mentors, they will proudly present their Universities. 

We believe Witmeup is a great support to new applicants – easy, credible and first-hand– rather than read a vast amount of half-information and reading hundreds of websites. On Witmeup they'll get in contact in a safe and structured way with each other , and they can work together on our secure website.

What could Universities do to utilize the strength and benefits of Witmeup?

  1. Inform your students about – share our site with them, send a link to them from our Invitation menu. You can also focus on the international students since for them is the application the hardest.
  2. To all Universities, we provide automatically an institution profile – on this site as University representative you can ask us what you would like to present to the visitors. Mentors from your University can upload much information about their personal experiences, stories and make your University more attractive and alive. The more Mentors you can attract the more colorful your University profile will get.
  3. You can use a link to – as one of the recruiting tools on your website. You can visualize on your University website our logo and link visitors to Witmeup. In this case you can create many mentors plus you can provide “the online way to university” concept to inquiring high school students.  

Witmeup is an effective way to always have enough persons who can manage all the questions of new applicants and their information requirement. We hope we woke your interest and we are always open to partnering with Universities! If you already have an international office who manages international students please do not hesitate to involve them in too.