Dear Mentors, Students, Parents, Teachers and basically all Earthlings,
We are gathered here today to celebrate the second release of our beloved site. Yay! From now on our Mentors can finalize their Offer with important and fun features, while Students can also register and look around in the Mentor list. We are all really excited to have come this far and would like to thank all of you, who have already signed up and helped us with their feedback, ideas, and thoughts.
One month to go until the final version!
Cheers everyone again,
Witmeup site kick-off was successfully today. Our team, developers, marketing people celebrated the start of the MVP1 version of We prepared more than for a year now and first of all, we are looking for University students from all around the world! From November all students, whose dream is to get into a University can start to use Witmeup. The website is operating based on our ideology and ideas but we are waiting for our user's proposals and notices in order to improve based on their vision too. Let's go Witmeup!