Earn free Contact Tickets 

It's amazing that you are here!

Earn free Contact Tickets by inviting friends to use Witmeup. Be part of our increasing community and help us extend to others in need.

When friends sign up with your special invite code, both of you will receive a free Contact Ticket

You can find your invite link if you click SHARE on your profile's dashboard! 
Register here to get your invitation code!

How does it work?
Either you are a student or a Mentor, you can find your coupon code at your Invitation site. When you share Witmeup on social media, your coupon code will be presented in the link you shared. If someone sees your invitation and registers on Witmeup, she/he has to enter the coupon code from the invitation link. You both will receive a Contact Ticket! 

Witmeup strives to help students all over the world in getting a helping hand throughout the university application process and university life. We pride ourselves in opening up the world and making education more accessible globally. This is why we would like to ask for your help to spread the word around so that the message reaches further.